Network & Internet FAQ


This page includes frequently asked questions and answers related to Biola's wired and wireless network services. If you would like assistance with any instructions linked to from this page, please contact the IT Helpdesk at or give us a call at 562.903.4740.



Where is the Biola network available?

Biola provides wired and wireless internet services to the Biola University Campus, the Professional Building, and the following Block Apartments:

  • Beachcomber Apts
  • Lido Apts
  • Tropicana Apts
  • Tradewinds Apts

Biola does not provide wired or wireless internet access to the Rosecrans apartments designated for Grad/Married housing.

Why does Biola filter, secure, or shape the Biola network?

Biola’s Internet service is a finite resource and is shared by the entire Biola community. Traffic shaping policies are configured to ensure that individuals do not monopolize the campus Internet connection.

Website content filtering is installed to restrict access to inappropriate content and limit the use of peer-to-peer file sharing software.

Learn more about what content is filtered and how to request a change to the content filter on the Web Filtering and Security page or by contacting Information Technology.

What devices can I use on the network?

Network devices are permitted based on their compliance with the Network Usage Policy. Most devices are permitted on Biola’s network, e.g., computers, printers, smartphones, and game consoles. Some devices are not permitted, e.g., routers, switches, hubs, and wireless access points.

Learn more about connecting a device that does not have a web browser on the Register Your Device page or by contacting Information Technology.

What are Biola's acceptable usage policies?

The Network Usage Policy is a guide to the acceptable use of Biola's networks. It addresses issues involved in the use of Biola’s wired and wireless networks for transfer of information within the internal network and out to the Internet.

Need more help?

If you cannot find your answer here or related articles, please view the section "Related Services / Offerings" to open a ticket.

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Article ID: 10997
Tue 2/13/24 4:14 PM
Mon 9/16/24 8:49 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Information on Biola's enterprise and guest wireless network service.