How to Respond to an Authentication Error



When attempting to log in to, you might see the following error message:

We were unable to authenticate you with that NetID and password. Please try again or call the Helpdesk at ext 4740. Either the password was incorrect or there is no such NetID. Please try again.

This page explains what this error message means and how you should respond.


What This Error Message Means

This authentication error message means that the login system does not recognize the username and password that you've entered. This suggest that either

  • you are using a NetID that doesn't exist,
  • you are using the wrong password, or
  • your account has been disabled in Biola's system.

Your account can become disabled when you lose an official affiliation with Biola. If you are not a current student, alumnus/alumna, or employee, then your account will be disabled, and you will not be able to log in.

How You Should Respond

First, make sure you are using the correct NetID (or Biola ID number) and password.

If you are sure you are using the correct credentials, then follow the instructions below.

  • If you are a Current Student, or Alumni 1988 or later, you should: 
    • Call the Registrar at (562) 903-4720.
    • Tell them the following:
      • You can't log in to login.biola.
      • You suspect that your account might be disabled.
      • You need them to check to see if you have Student status in Biola's system.
    • They will help you.
  • If you are an Alumni before 1988, you should: 
    • Call Alumni Relations at (562) 903-4728 or send an email to
    • Tell them that you can't log in to login.biola or my.biola, but you want to.
    • Alumni Relations staff will work with IT to enable your account, and send you your login information.
  • If you are Staff, you should: 
    • Call Human Resources at (562) 903-4757.
    • Tell them the following:
      • You can't log in to login.biola.
      • You suspect that your account might be disabled.
      • You need them to check to see if you have Employee status in Biola's system.
    • They will help you.
  • If you are Faculty, you should: 
    • Call the Office of the Provost at (562) 903-4703.
    • Tell them the following:
      • You can't log in to login.biola.
      • You suspect that your account might be disabled.
      • You need them to check to see if you have Faculty status in Biola's system.
    • They will help you.

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Article ID: 7347
Tue 8/15/23 6:34 PM
Mon 9/9/24 1:15 PM

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